Keep a Notebook on Your Night Table & Other Tips for a Calmer Mind  

When it comes to quieting your mind so that you can feel calmer, there’s actually quite a lot you can do for yourself. Having a few tricks up your sleeve will help you to de-stress and to lessen your anxiety when things are particularly chaotic. Let’s take a look at some tips for gaining a […]

Color & Music Can Help You Create a Calm & Soothing Space

We’ve talked a lot about the benefits of controlling your environment in order to reduce stress. Whether it’s reducing clutter or adding scents to the room, there are things you can do to make your immediate space more soothing. Today, I’d like to focus specifically on two of these things and go into greater detail […]

Declutter Your Home to Foster Calmness  

We’ve already talked about clutter and the ways it can stress you out, but the topic is definitely worth revisiting. This is particularly relevant when it comes to your home environment. As they say, your home is your sanctuary. It’s where you go to be alone or with the ones you love most and where […]

Calming Scents & Accessories You Need to Know About  

Sometimes when things are particularly stressful, it can help to bring in reinforcements like a change in the atmosphere or accessories to help to soothe your mood. A calming scent, some relaxing music, or a gadget to settle your nerves are simple to put into place, but they can make a world of difference in […]

Embrace Habits & Routines to Feel Calmer  

We’ve covered multi-tasking and discovered how it’s actually better in so many ways to focus on one thing at a time, instead. You’ll enhance your sense of calm when you can give your full attention to what you’re doing and live in the moment. Another thing that aids in feeling calm is to embrace habits […]

The Dangers of Multi-tasking

In yesterday’s post, I shared with you why it’s better to concentrate on just one thing at work if you want to feel calmer. I gave you a few examples of the benefits of single-tasking. Today, I’d like to elaborate on that a bit. Multi-tasking truly is becoming an epidemic in our society that’s causing […]

Stay Calm at Work by Focusing on One Project at a Time

People everywhere seem to be in a rush. We all have a lot to do, yet the same 24 hours each day to get it done. Chances are you’ve tried multi-tasking in order to get more accomplished. This might seem like a good plan, but it’s not always as effective as you might expect it […]

A Good Morning Routine Can Set the Tone for a Calm Day  

Mornings can be a hectic and rushed time. This is especially true when you’re responsible for getting others, like kids, ready for their day and out the door on time. Starting your day out feeling frazzled, cranky, and overwhelmed isn’t good for anyone. A simple solution to make things a whole lot less stressful is […]

Minimize Your Wardrobe 

Today, I’d like to continue on the subject of minimalism. However, I’ll be focusing on the clothing many of us tend to collect. Wardrobes can quickly become overwhelming, full of items we never wear or that don’t fit. It can be hard to get rid of stuff, though, when you’ve invested your time and money […]

The Benefits of Minimalism  

You now know what a negative effect clutter can have on your life. This includes both physical and mental clutter. Minimalism involves reducing the stuff in our lives. This goes beyond material things. It’s about focusing on what matters most. This can also be experiences and people. There are many benefits of minimalism when it […]